The UA Junior High School Started with two (2) classes: one class in the first year and another in the second year with the total enrollment of 90 students housed at the first floor of the Puno Hall. It was fairly a good beginning for it grew three times as much in the following year. 1967. Finding a new home at the new Junior High School building, now Ryan Hall. Classes were conducted by four (4) teachers majoring in Mathematics, Science, Practical Arts, and Religion.
The Department of Education, Culture and Sports granted full government recognition in 1969. The UA Junior High School was initially supervised by the Dominican sisters of Adrian, Michigan, USA led by Sr. Mary Philip Ryan, O.P. In 1969, management of the school was entrusted to Filipino Dominican sisters and later to lay persons (1972) as principals who were appointed by the President of the University and under the direct supervision of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs.
The UA Junior High School, since its founding up to the present, has been living up to its avowed vision, mission and goals as an instrument in the promotion of quality Catholic education.
UA Junior High School Objectives
- To foster the intellectual, spiritual, moral, ethical, social, and cultural growth of its students by providing learning experiences that will:
- Equip them with basic general knowledge and competencies necessary in thepursuit of higher education.
- Imbibe in them the spiritual and moral values that will guide them to think,judge, and act in accordance with good reasoning guided by the examples and teaching of Christ.
- Develop sound attitude towards work, values of life, skills and habits, knowledge, and ideals that they may become worthy members of the home, the school, the church, the community and the country as a whole;
- Foster appreciation of the Filipino cultural heritage and virtues of our people; and
- Develop relevant social, economic, political and ecological consciousness that will bring out willingness to reach out to the community
- To strengthen the Christian school community where every student, teacher, non-teaching personnel, and administrator will be sincerely concerned in bringing out the best in each other.
UAJHS aims to graduate a student who:
AS A CHRISTIAN – is committed to live a Godly life of love and forgiveness, appreciate of his gifts and talents, capable and willing to serve others and ready to act as a witness to the Divine plan in the shaping of human history and destiny
AS A CITIZEN – is properly molded to behave according to the context of his culture and is responsible enough to assume the distinct roles expected of him in established social systems and structures.
AS A FILIPINO – is proud of his national identity; is dedicated to the cause of peace and unity and accustomed to participate in activities and events that promote the country’s progress and well-being.
AS A PERSON – is constantly engrossed with the reconstructing and perfecting of his life according to Christian and Marian ideals, imbued with the spirit of simplicity and charity equipped with the skills for critical thinking and decision making, trained in group work, cooperation, leadership and fellowship; and prepared to pursue higher studies, knowing that education is an endless process that lasts a lifetime.