Vision Mission Statement


The University of the Assumption an Archdiocesan Catholic Educational Institution envisions itself as the leading formator of academically competent, morally upright, and socially responsible Catholic leaders.


The University of the Assumption commits itself to the integral development of Catholic leaders through academic excellence, Christian formation, and community service.

Academic Excellence (SCIENTIA)

The University of the Assumption seeks to lead students gain world-class competence in the area they can best utilize their human talents and resources through well-planned academic programs, effective and efficient instruction, quality support services and functional research.

Christian Formation (VIRTUS)

The University of the Assumption seeks to form a community of disciples and to develop a community of apostles where all the members are enlightened and purified by the Gospel values filled with zeal for the transformation of their immediate communities, Pampanga, and the Philippines.

Community Service (COMMUNITAS)

The University of the Assumption seeks to assume leadership in community development through active involvement in current religious, economic, political, socio-cultural, and ecological concerns of the nation and of the world.


The University of the Assumption seeks to:

  1. develop living witnesses of Gospel values through religious instruction, liturgical celebrations, prayer services, and community activities within the immediate community in Pampanga and in the country.
  2. provide an educational milieu among all members where they pursue excellence in the arts and sciences leading to intellectual inquiry, reflective judgment and resolute action;
  3. promote a strong sense of responsibility among the members to enable them to respond, to initiate and participate in the social transformation of families, communities and nations.

Thus, the University of the Assumption continuously provides society with competent and ethical professionals for meaningful leadership roles in cultural, economic, and technological growth.

Servant Leadership – We take the initiative and involve ourselves in works of mercy and other activities for the betterment of the society. (action photos RSO officers)

Integrity -The spiritual and physical integrity of Mary is our guide in ensuring that both as individuals and as a community, our words are in accord with our actions

Excellence – We are committed to the greater good. Excellence is the product of our hard work, individually and collectively, to deliver exemplary outcomes.

Service Orientation – We delight in providing quality service to our stakeholders: the students and their parents, the alumni and our academic and industry partners, the communities and the parishes and the employees and our suppliers.

Teamwork – We value our diversity which allows us to see beyond our limitations and build on our individual strengths to create an environment through empathic listening, learning, changing and serving.

Obedience – Obedience is the key to humility which builds the Catholic leader. We obey those in positions of authority as instruments of the Lord and the policies and rules they implement as specific guides for the realization of the Will of God. For the only necessary thing that we obey is the divine schema expressed through our superiors and the policies which underwent diligently study and evaluation.

Open Communication – We value free exchange of ideas as a way to learn and to live and work harmoniously. We recognize the significance of dialogue, constructive criticism and feedback to a life well lived.

The ideal UA graduates are:

BIASA (academically competent)

UA graduates who are BIASA (academically competent) are able to:

  • effectively communicate orally and in writing using English and Filipino;
  • articulate broad coherent knowledge in their field of specialization;
  • demonstrate competencies required in their specific field of practice;
  • participate in the generation of new knowledge or in research and development projects;
  • apply lifelong learning skills in facing new challenges;
  • work effectively either independently or collaboratively in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
  • manifest awareness of Filipino and Capampangan historical and cultural

MAGANACA (spiritually well-grounded)

UA graduates who are MAGANACA (spiritually well-grounded) are able to:

  • manifest a living relationship with God through personal prayer, reception of sacraments and devotion to Mary;
  • Live out and practice the teachings of the church in matters of faith and morals;
  • observe honesty, fairness and justice in all of one’s undertakings;
  • assume responsibility and accountability for one’s actions and decisions;
  • demonstrate willingness to work beyond what is expected by sharing gladly
    and generously one’s time, talent and treasure;
  • prioritize others over personal needs despite some personal inconvenience
    observe professional ethics.

MAYAP (socially responsible)

UA graduates who are MAYAP (socially responsible) are able to:

  • share in the life and mission of the church;
  • practice corporal works of mercy;
  • utilize one’s expertise and talent for the common good;
  • demonstrate in one’s life a preferential option for the poor;
  • serve as an agent of social transformation;
  • participate actively in the discussion and peaceful resolution of national or local issues;
  • advocate and exercise environmental stewardship;
  • exercise responsible citizenship through law-abidance, vigilance and
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