Quality Policy

The University of the Assumption, an Archdiocesan Catholic educational institution, commits itself to the development of Catholic leaders through academic excellence, Christian formation and community service. Thus, we commit to…

  • sustain a strong and visible commitment to Catholic tradition;
  • deliver responsive and quality instruction;
  • enhance and promote research-based practices for the upgrading of instruction and extension;
  • create an impact in the immediate and larger community;
  • effectively deliver student services towards a dynamic learning environment and manage resources for sustainable institutional growth;
  • create and maintain a working environment in which people become fully involved in achieving our objectives;
  • manage activities and related resources as a process or series of interconnected processes so that desired results are achieved more efficiently;
  • pursue continual improvement across all aspects of our quality management system;
  • make decisions relating to our quality management system following an analysis of relevant data and information;
  • establish interdependent and mutually beneficial relationships with local and international institutions and other interested parties;
  • continuously care for Mother Earth, our common home for the sustenance of life.

University President

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