Academic Honors List for Second Sem of SY2018-2019

The University Registrar released the names of college academic achievers for the second semester of School Year 2018-2019. The list is composed of 158 President’s Listers and 189 Deans’ Listers.

The School of Business and Public Administration (SBPA) has 82 President’s Listers or about 52% of the total. School of Education (SOE) follows with 35 honorees.

Meanwhile, the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) has the most number of Dean’s Lister with 50 students or 20% of the honorees. SOE comes in second with 31 achievers.

President’s Listers got a GWA of 93% and above with no grade lower than 89% in any course while the Dean’s Listers have a GWA of 89% and above with no grade lower than 85% in any course in the second semester of SY2018-2019.

To see the complete list, please click below.

President’s List
Dean’s List

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