08 Feb UA Recognizes Honor Students in College for First Semester of SY2018-2019
The University of the Assumption Office of the University Registrar released on Wednesday, February 6, the list of honor students for the first semester of SY 2018-2019. A total of 64 students made it to the President’s List and 190 to the Deans’ List.
To qualify for the honors list, the college student must have carried the minimum academic load as prescribed in the curriculum in the previous semester and did not drop a course nor incur an incomplete grade.
Students with no grade lower than 89% in any course and a general weighted average of 93% and above qualify for the President’s List, and those with no grade lower than 85% and a GWA of 89% and above are eligible for the Deans’ List.
The School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) has the most number of honors student in the President’s List with 15, followed by the College of Accountancy (COA) with 14 and the School of Education (SOE) with 12. Michaela F. Tandang, a first year student of BS Accountancy topped the President’s List with a GWA of 96.52%.
The top 3 colleges and schools with the highest number of deans listers are the SOE with 45 students, College of Hospitality and Tourism Management (CHTM) with 41 and SAS, 31. The topnotcher among the deans listers is Elimar Brix L. Borromeo, a first year BS in Hospitality Management student.
The recognition program was held on February 6 in the University Chapel in the presence of the parents of the honor students and principals of the top five senior high schools with the most number of achievers.
Please click the following to view the complete list of honor students: