25 Jun UASHS Begins Academic Year Thru a ‘Kickstart’ Bash
Every beginning is a celebration. Especially, if it is the start of a journey into a path where learning is fun and to have fun is to learn. This is what Kickstart 2018 was all about: to celebrate the onset of an experience of enjoyment in acquiring knowledge and skills.
Held on June 13, 2018 at the Archbishop Emilio Cinense Gymnasium, Kickstart 2018 was an opportunity for the students to meet their classmates and make new friends and get to know their teachers and the non-teaching personnel in the UASHS. Yells and various performances added to the excitement.
With the theme “Aim High, Break the Barriers, and Strive for Excellence”, speakers took turns in inspiring the students to aim for the best while enjoying every moment of the journey in senior high.
Dr. Violy Fernanda Santos, UASHS Principal, encouraged everyone to strive for excellence, both in academic and extra-curricular activities. “Today, you start an exciting journey,” said Santos, even as she assured them that new school year opens with a “bigger, better, and brighter perspective”.
UASHS is fast growing. It added three (3) new sections this year from last year’s 16 sections in Grade 11. This is due to the influx of transferees from other junior high schools who comprise about 73% of the population in grade 11.
University President Father Joselito Henson warmly welcomed the students. He acknowledged those who stayed from UAJHS and urged transferees to take their time to adjust to their new environment and enjoy the “Assumption education.”
Meanwhile, the UASHS Supreme Student Council, led by Gebrel Al bari, president; presented the extra-curricular activities scheduled for the school year.
The event was also attended by the members of the Executive Committee (ExeCom) of the University.