14 Aug UA Celebrates SOLA
The University of the Assumption community will celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of
our Lady on September 15, 2017.
Eucharistic celebrations will be held simultaneously at 7:30AM in the University chapel for
Grade School and at the Bishop Emilio Cinense Gymnasium for Junior High School, Senior High
School, College and Graduate School. Employees may join any of the said Masses.
This will be followed by the Fiesta “Salo-salo” at the St. Thomas Aquinas Courtyard
In preparation for the feast, a 5-day novena or Quinario Masses were held on August 9, 10, 11,
12 and 14. There were also competitions on bulletin board design, poster making and poetry
All material gifts offered during the Masses will be turned over to the Community Extension
Office for its programs for the poor.
This event is a joint undertaking of the Campus Ministry Office (CMO) and the UA College
Student Council (UACSC).
Meanwhile, the University President Fr. Joselito C. Henson urged the UA community to ponder
on the words of Pope Francis: “Let us turn to Our Lady and implore the grace to rejoice in the
freedom of the children of God, to use that freedom wisely in the service of our brothers and
sisters, and to live and work as signs of the hope which will find its fulfillment in that eternal
Kingdom where to reign is to serve.”
Fr. Henson also declared a school holiday starting at 1:00PM on August 15.