21 Jul UA Holds University-Wide Emergency Drills
Students, teachers, and non-teaching personnel of the University of the Assumption
participated in the university-wide flood, fire and earthquake drills on July 19 and 20.The activity
aims at preparing the whole community for calamities and disaster situations.
According to Ms. Precious Bernadette Estrada, director of Student Affairs, these activities are
necessary so everyone is briefed on the proper way to respond and act especially when
unexpected events strike.
“Our objective is to always prepare everybody, educate them, and inform them. We cannot tell
when calamities will occur so it’s a must that we know what to do and where to go when they
happen,” said Estrada.
She added that certain measures are observed and done by the university to prepare for
emergency situations, “For years now, we have been cooperating with the city disaster and risk
reduction management office, we have utilized different media to disseminate information, we
also hold room-to- room campaigns.”
Estrada also encourages all the members of the UA community to actively participate and
follow proper protocol on emergency drills, “It’s just that we have to be prepared all the time,”
she explained.
Aside from that, the Office of Student Affairs will be holding a meeting with the university
emergency contingency committee to intensify the campaign for disaster preparations.