25 Jan UA Wound-Cleaning Prototype Receives Funding from DOST
A research project by the University of the Assumption was funded and approved for development by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (PCHRD- DOST).
Entitled “Prototype development in the irrigation, drainage and drying of wounds”, the research project was a collaborative work of the College of Nursing (CON) and College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA). The authors are Dr. Emmanuel Bagtas, Dean Anele Mallari, Ms. Cherry Lazatin, Engineer Joselito Rosario, Engineer Eugene Borbajo, Engineer Marvin Mallari, Architect Edrian Sitchon, and Dr. Neil Tangquilut, a veterinarian.
“We have submitted a proposal (to PCHRD) and it was reviewed by a council for funding. Then after one or two revisions, our proposal was accepted to be funded,” explained Dr. Emmanuel Bagtas, the Researcher for Academics and clinical instructor from the College of Nursing.
The research was also included in the Priority Areas of Hospital Equipment and Biomedical Devices of the PCHRD-DOST Health Research Agenda. Its main significance is to develop a reasonably-priced, sterile and reliable hospital device.
Once developed, the wound cleaning device is planned to be applied for patent according to Bagtas. More so, the proponents are hoping that the project will be commercially available for it will not only benefit them but also the University, as well as patients and medical practitioners.
The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) is one of the three sectoral councils of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). It is a forward-looking, partnership-based national body responsible for coordinating and monitoring research activities in the country.