UA Employees Attend Gender and Development Seminar

Ms. Lora Yusi, CHED Regional Office III Chief Education Program specialist explains different concepts and matters on gender, stereotyping, policies, and the role of men and women in the present society.

Ms. Lora Yusi, CHED Regional Office III Chief Education Program specialist explains different concepts and matters on gender, stereotyping, policies, and the role of men and women in the present society.

A one-day seminar on Gender and Development (GAD) was held on October 28, 2016 at the University of the Assumption Msgr. Ricardo Serrano Auditorium. Present during the seminar were UA administrators, teachers and non-teaching personnel.

The objective was to promote equality between men and women in the university.

Ms. Lora Yusi, CHED Regional Office III Chief Education Program specialist, facilitated the discourse on the various contexts of gender and development within and outside the educational institution including the use of gender sensitive language, understanding the changing concept of gender roles, and the careful analysis of gender image and stereotypes in educational materials.

Yusi even challenged the educators to scan their textbooks to see if there are gender stereotyped images that could be corrected and revised. She also encouraged public and private HEIs to establish a GAD Focal Point Systems.

The activity is in conformity with CHED Memorandum Order no. 1 Series of 2015 which establishes the policies and guidelines on gender and development in the Commission on Higher Education and Higher Educational institutions.

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