Fr. Nicdao’s Paper Published in Six Languages by International Journal

University of the Assumption Vice President for Administration Fr. Victor S. Nicdao paper was published in one of the most widely read theological journal in the world, the Concilium International Journal for Theology.

He was invited to write for the journal by a Filipino member of the Board of Editors, Father Danny Pilario of St. Vincent School of Theology where he used to teach. “He knows my expertise (which is on the) New Testament, particularly Pauline letters and Pauline Theology,” according to Fr. Vic.

Published under Sufferings and God, his paper entitled “Suffering and the Empowering Grace of the Lord” reflects on St. Paul’s understanding on suffering which, according to Fr. Vic, will contribute to the whole reflection on the theme.

Fr. Vic attributed the contents of his paper to Saint Paul’s paradoxical statement, “when I am weak, then, I am strong”. In his paper, he explored the reasons why St. Paul is resilient and has a positive disposition in the midst of suffering and the missing component that must be brought out to make sense of this statement of Paul.

Fr. Vic explains: “For me, it is Paul’s experience of the grace of God. That is why the title of my paper is ‘Suffering and the Empowering Grace of the Lord’. Although one suffers, the grace of God does not fade. It’s true that you continue to suffer, but at the same time, there is that divine power.”

Concilium is published five times a year with contributions from theologians in Asia, Africa, North and South America and Europe.

“Suffering and the Empowering Grace of the Lord” was among the articles in this year’s third issue of the journal. It was published in English, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and Croatian.

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