June 2016 Arki Board Exam Results: First Time Takers Score Higher Passing Rate Than National Average

Architecture graduates of the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) who took the exam for the first time exceeded the national passing rate in the June 2016 Architect Licensure Examination.

With a passing rate of 66.67%, the first time takers beat the national average of 55.89%.

Meanwhile, two (2) of the six (6) repeaters can now practice as professional architects after the same board exam.

The new architects are:

  1. Karen Joy C. Amada
  2. Lynette Marie L. David
  3. Edward Joseph D. Dela Cruz
  4. Cherwin P. Gatbonton
  5. Mara Athena S. Ibarra
  6. Christine Joy S. Tumang

The examination was held in Manila, Baguio, Cebu, Davao and Legazpi this June 24 and 26, 2016. The results were released on June 29, 2016.

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