14 Jun UAGS Holds Annual Club Membership Day
June 10, 2016 was a special day for the UA Grade School pupils. It was their annual Club Membership Day which was an opportunity for them to choose the club they wish to join, depending on their interests and the skills they want to develop.
Club membership is encouraged in UAGS to enrich early childhood curriculum through creative experiences. Activities offered by clubs enable members to learn valuable skills and help them to elaborate on the more formal knowledge learned in classrooms.
The leadership roles that the pupils assume in clubs provide a valuable experience that is not generally available to young people. Other roles enable them to explore their identity and competencies in a more casual environment.
In a study conducted by Jacquelynne Eccles and Bonnie Barber they have proven that club activities appeared to contribute to increase in the grade point averages of students.
The clubs and the moderators were introduced to the pupils during the clubbing orientation session held on June 9 at the UAGS Audio Visual Room.
There are clubs for pupils who are interested in the arts (drawing, dancing, acting, writing, and singing), cooking, sports, books, health, computers and nature.
According to Mrs. Ruth Intal, the UAGS Student Activity Coordinator, the objectives of the Club Membership Day were achieved. “The enthusiasm and interest of the pupils contributed a lot to the success of the event,” she said. She also extends her gratitude to the Club Moderators for warmly welcoming the pupils into their organizations.
Regular meetings of the organizations dubbed as “Clubbing Day” will be held every 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month.
– with report from Mr. John Denver A. Desolo