Assumptionists Celebrate Start of Academic Year

In UA, Catholic education is fun. The entire school year is filled with activities that harness the intellectual capability of students and also their capacity to build relationships in a fun-filled environment.

First in the line-up of fun activities is the welcoming program on the first day of the academic year which is highlighted by the entry to the gates of excellence of college freshmen to symbolize their becoming Assumptionists.

For Academic Year 2016-2017, the welcoming program will be held on June 6, 2016.

According to the UA Central Student Council (UACSC), the host of the event, because there are no college freshmen in AY2016-20017, the entry to the gates of excellence will not happen this year. Instead, the students will assemble at the main lobby/façade and take the “A” walk to St. Thomas Aquinas Courtyard (STACy) where the University President will personally welcome them during the program prepared by the UACSC officers.

At the STACy, students can visit the different booths and look for the recognized student organization that will best fit their interests, skills and needs. Entertainment will be provided by the UA Band, UA Dance Troupe, UA Chorale and UA All-Star Pep squad. There will also be food stalls where the UACSC and college based organizations will be serving snacks for free.

Indeed, the welcome program ushers the fun-filled Catholic education offered by the University of the Assumption.


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