19 Apr Re-Opening of Application for Senior High School Voucher Program
The Department of Education announced today on their website the reopening of application for the Senior High School (SHS) Voucher Program on April 22, 2016 for incoming Grade 11 students from private junior high schools which are not Education Service Contracting (ESC) grantees.
The SHS Voucher Program provides subsidy to students who would like to pursue SHS education in private schools. Grade 10 completers from public junior high schools and private schools who are ESC grantees are automatic qualifiers.
According to DepEd,
“all applications must be done strictly online by accessing the online voucher portal (OVAP) of the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) at http://ovap.deped.gov.ph”.
Applications will be accepted from April 22 to May6, 2016 only and the results will be announced on or before May 20, 2016. The deadline for application is non-extendable.
For your concerns and queries regarding the ESC and SHS Voucher programs, please email gastpe@deped.gov.ph or call the DepEd Action Center at (02) 636-1663 or (02) 633-1942.