04 Jan New Year 2016 Message
To all UA administrators, faculty, support staff, students and alumni:
Possibility and hope lie at the heart of welcoming the New Year. As we look at the past and give thanks, we look to the future and gather our hopes: for more service-oriented governance, thriving economy, improved social conditions, deeper ecological awareness, healthier lifestyle, a better and more dynamic UA.
The foundation of all our hopes? A God who is Emmanuel (God-with-us). A God who will always be faithful, even though we have been unfaithful. We believe that the God who had been with us throughout the past year will be the same faithful God who will carry us through the coming year.
And so, it is with confident assurance that we welcome 2016 with all its “fresh challenge, virgin promise, rude discovery and confirming triumphs.” Let us continue to “open our hearts to life’s new hurdles and simmering victories. Life is waiting for our gift” (Joan Chittister).
Here’s to another year of nurturing our Scientia, Virtus, Communitas. Hail Assumption!