Balajadia Presents Paper in International Conference

Are our pre-service teachers ready for ICT-based strategies and techniques in the 21st century education?

In a research conducted by Dr. Dexter M. Balajadia, Dean of the UA College of Education, it was found out that pre-service teachers believe that “the(ir) educational technology course experiences were not responsive enough to capacitate (them) to enact ICT-based strategies toward functional learning of their future students.


The paper entitled “Gauging the ICT-based teching readiness of pre-service teachers in the light of 21st century education” was presented in the 6th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL) in Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

According to Dr. Balajadia, the “need to revitalize the teacher education curriculum is, therefore, proposed (to) be highly responsive in gearing up the potentials of pre-service teachers on ICT-based teaching in the light of 21st century education.

The paper will be published in the “PEOPLE”, a peer-reviewed and professionally refereed social sciences and education journal published by the Global Research and Development Services (GRDS)


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