UAJHS Holds Career Orientation for Grades 9 and 10

[lsvr_tabs][lsvr_tab_item title=”Content”][lsvr_lead]Mr. Jake Fernando G. Kok of GuidanceNGO, Inc. emphasized the need to plan well when choosing the strand to take in senior high school to Grades 9 and 10 students during the Career Symposium on November 10, 2015.[/lsvr_lead]

“You have to think how you would like to see yourselves ten (10) years from now in deciding what strand to take in Senior High School,”

he said as he encouraged the students and parents to consider the additional 2 years in high school as a preparation for either a college degree or employment or both.

The symposium was organized by the UAJHS Guidance Office to introduce the students to the senior high school and help them in choosing their career path. The morning session was attended by Grade 10 students and their parents. In the afternoon the Grade 9 students gathered together with their parents.

Mr. Kok presented “Choices” to Grade 10 and “Pathways” to Grade 9 students. The two (2) modules explained the different tracks and salient features of senior high school. He also talked about career routing which familiarized the students on the career paths for each of the strands in the senior high school.

Mr. Fernando Santos of the UA External Affairs and Media Office explained that the UASHS is a continuation of their formation in the Assumption education. He also discussed the scholarships and grants program of the UASHS.

Other speakers were the UAJHS Principal Ms. Edita Q. Sagmit and the Guidance Counsellor Ms. Donna Manag.

Ms. Sagmit explained the voucher system of the Department of Education. The system provides financial assistance to students in public junior high school and ESC private schools who will take their senior high school in private schools.

She said that the ESC grantees who will finish Grade 10 this school year are automatically entitled to the voucher while those who transferred from other schools may also avail by applying with DepEd. Application may be manually or online through the Online Voucher Application Portal or

The results of the National Career Examination (NCAE) and how these can help the students decide on the strand that they will take in senior high school was explained by Ms. Manag.[/lsvr_tab_item][lsvr_tab_item title=”Photos”]


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